Linda Barkhouse was born and raised in Kingsport and Kentville, Nova Scotia. She was first inspired to paint with watercolours in 1982 when she was travelling up the Alaska Highway and saw an artist along the roadside creating a painting of the mountains. She took lessons in Anchorage over the next two years. Although she cannot remember the name of her first teacher, Linda remembers well the lessons she learned, most significant among them was not to be afraid of colour! This is a trait of Linda's work to this day.
In the late eighties Linda and her husband made their home in Ottawa. Since that time she has studied the art of watercolours and participated in classes and workshops with many well known Canadian artists. Linda's early work was done completely paint to paper, with very limited drawing. In the mid-nineties, one of her instructors commented, "If you can do this with just paints, imagine what you could do with a pencil and eraser". This inspired Linda to venture into drawing and she has since created numerous paintings with beautiful detail. Much of her work reflects her maritime roots.
Linda left her accounting career in 2001, and has since been able to devote more time to her artistic pursuits. Her subjects include seascapes, flowers, gardens, and landscapes. Each of her works reflect the bold colour techniques she learned from her first teacher, as well as the refinements gained through study and instruction. Her paintings hang in private collections across North America.
Recently Linda and her husband moved to New Minas. Her studio is open by chance or appointment. Her work can also be seen at 'Paints and Pots'-Captain Halls Treasure Chest, Hall's Harbour.